Monday, August 24, 2020

Online Education vs Traditional Education Essay

These days, with the innovation advancement and the expanded utilization of the web, online training has increased noteworthy acknowledgment and prevalence everywhere throughout the world. Not very far in the past, online training offered no opposition to customary instruction . Today, with more decisions being offered on the web, customary instruction is presently confronting various difficulties in each level. This has therefore, the opposition between those two instructive projects, looking at the focal points and hindrances of the two techniques for study, being estimated since those strategies are implies for us to extend our chances and advance our vocations. In the accompanying sections, I will grow the distinctions and similitudes between online instruction and conventional training and think about their qualities. Online training is characterized as the creation and multiplication of the PC, the globalization of thoughts and other human acts, and the utilization of innovation in trading thoughts and giving access to more individuals. Sound, video, PC, and systems administration advancements are regularly joined to make a multifaceted instructional conveyance framework. The key technique to join the separation learning educator with the separation student is the system. Systems appropriate for separation learning usage incorporate satellite, link modem, computerized endorser lines (DSL), and remote link, (Collins, 2002). As indicated by an article, understudies need to screen their advancement to the innovation advancement and alter their methodologies for learning dependent on their turn of events. Furthermore they have to control a period the executives plan for request to finish web based learning exercises in the best possible time spans, (Orellana, 2009, p. 470). Online instruction requires time the executives aptitudes and requires self-restraint. It takes tolerance, time and vitality to have the option to do that with progress. The online understudy must have the option to adjust school, work, and a family. Be that as it may, legitimate administration must be kept up so as to adjust the entirety of the obligations and be effective in all regions. Online training offers you the chance to seek after quality and reasonable instruction without intruding on your own or expert life. It permits greater adaptability and you can deal with your examination plan as indicated by your solace and accessibility of time. Along these lines, you can program your own life individually with your examinations on account of the online education’s uncommon method of learning. This provides for the understudies the solace to concentrate from their homes, work environments or anyplace they are on the planet. What’s more is that, many separation programs permit to their understudy to finish the coursework whenever during the day, while as yet sticking to generally cutoff times. Online training has lower cost. It is viewed as more moderate than customary on the grounds that there are no transportations costs, no compelling reason to purchase course readings and you don't have to lease a spot to live near the college. Likewise, online training programs offer grants, money related guide bundles, including credits and awards, precisely as the conventional instruction establishments. Another trademark that can't be overlooked is correspondence. In online instruction programs you can speak with your guides whenever you need, anyplace, with any way you want to speak (with the innovation you have accessible). Online instructive methods are adaptable and intuitive, and yet intriguing as. In addition, the way that the understudy has straight access to an appointed teacher or instructor, permits every understudy to learn with the strategies that work best for them. Another element of online instruction is that on the off chance that you are not a social individual, an online school might be the correct decision for you. You don't need to manage getting together new individuals. Additionally, a major piece of individuals decide to follow the online instruction course for the amount of material they can discover, or in light of the fact that the coaches are more reachable by means of web than they would be in an ordinary homeroom setting. Simultaneously, there are a few likenesses which can be found in an on the web and conventional arrangement of training. As a matter of first importance, assignments are a piece of realizing, regardless of whether you decide to go to classes on the web or in a conventional framework, you will be relegated schoolwork to finish. The assignments are relied upon to be done about the course you are taken a crack at and conveyed them to your own mentor between the cutoff times. A second comparability among on the web and customary framework is that the reference material †course books are basic for the two frameworks. Despite the fact that a course might be taken on the web, reading material are as yet integral to learning important data and a significant number of the understudies are utilizing the electronic books. In customary instruction, understudies need to purchase the books since they concentrate from them in the class and home. Thirdly, tests and tests are utilized to test your comprehension and maintenance of a specific theme/subject. It is generally given to understudies during the scholarly semesters including midterms. Despite the fact that you may concentrate in an online course, you need to hope to be required for course tests. Tests might be given on the web, or you might be required to visit the institution’s grounds to finish the test. In both instruction frameworks, understudies have normal data to concentrate in this way they have regular tests. To wrap things up, scholastic teachers make themselves accessible to understudies to assist them with learning the necessary material. Regardless of whether you are going to class on the web or nearby, educators are probably going to have available time, where you can get explanation on an issue or in any case speak with your teacher. In both the kinds of classes, educators will be accessible to help the understudies in any issue. Options approaches to get in touch with them would be email. Conventional instruction, otherwise called straightforward, regular training or standard training, alludes to since quite a while ago settled traditions found in schools that society has customarily esteemed proper. A few types of training change advance the selection of dynamic instruction rehearses, an increasingly comprehensive methodology which centers around individual students’ needs and self-articulation. According to reformers, customary educator fixated strategies concentrated on repetition learning and retention must be relinquished for understudy focused and task-based ways to deal with learning. Be that as it may, numerous guardians and moderate residents are worried about the support of goal instructive gauges dependent on testing, which favors an increasingly customary methodology. (Wikipedia,2011) First of all, school is a primary spot which you can get together individuals from better places in your locale. Kinship is excessively significant, nobody can live without having a companion around. School is the most significant spot for humankind to learn. It is significant for everybody in light of the fact that is a spot that individuals can develop solid associations with one another and furthermore is a spot to gain proficiency with a ton of data. Also, correspondence is simple since everybody is on a similar structure that hours. In this way, it is simpler for understudies to concentrate together and help one another. You can pose inquiries at whatever point you manage troubles either to your instructor either to your cohorts since you are all in one another lives. Finally, learn at school is simple for the instructor to deal with the understudies, help them and become more acquainted with how he/she ought to act as indicated by the understudy. At whatever point an understudy has questions or challenges, the person can ask instructor immediately, likewise understudies don’t need to hang tight for quite a while only for an inquiry. Presently, contrasting the customary training and online instruction framework there are and a few contrasts as well. Beginning with online instruction, right off the bat, understudies don't have the chance to associate with companions and don't speak with others. Additionally, understudies are spending an excessive number of hours before one screen and that can causes back agony and eye issues. Additionally, on the off chance that you have restricted access to web (associations are moderate) and you don't have a clue how to utilize innovation then you presumably neglect to your exercises. Proceeding with the customary instruction, empowers understudies to have greater innovativeness and be progressively amiable hence they can participate and team up with one another and the educators. It is simpler to convey in light of the fact that you have vis-à-vis contact. Moreover, educators can give moment criticisms to the understudies and persuade them to succeed and show them discipline. As I would like to think, REFERENCES: * Collins, (2002), Definition of online training * Schutte, J. G. , (1996),â€Å"Virtual Teaching in Higher Education: The new learned superhighway or simply one more congested driving conditions? †, California State University, Northridge. * http://www. acadenia. com/instruction articles/Online-training conventional. asp * http://www. dagorret. net/contrast between-online-training versus customary instruction/* http://lyzreblin. blogspot. com/2012/02/online-instruction versus conventional. html †The difficulties of online instruction * Jeni Johnson, (2012), Online Education Vs. Conventional Education, April 4 * Wikipedia, (2011), Traditional instruction, May, * (Orellana, Hudgins, and Simonson, 2009, p. 470). * Elise Wile, Advantages and Disadvantages of Traditional Education, eHow Contributor * Similarities Between Online and Traditional Classes,eHow. all in all, albeit online instruction have some gainful effects for understudies, however customary training give better spot to understudies to consider and associate with companions. Just as certain individuals impediments to get to innovation can happens understudies can not have instruction. Online instruction program can be a remunerating experience for those people needing to procure a degree in a non-customary training condition. Studies have indicated that understudies who are full grown, self-roused and sorted out are very effective in their web based learning interest

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Criteria of American Rebels John Reed, Joseph Freeman, and Louis Research Paper

Rules of American Rebels John Reed, Joseph Freeman, and Louis Fischer Used in the History Evaluation - Research Paper Example The creating accounts of World War I, the Mexican Revolution, and the Bolshevik Revolution show the different stages through which the world has advanced before achieving its status. Obviously, the universe has experienced arrangement of social, financial and political changes for a very long time since the presentation of the modern unrest followed by arrangement of developments and disclosures that have molded the world to what it is today (John Reed’s Selected Writings 76-158). Numerous individuals perceive the commitments of John Reed in the examination of the Mexican Revolution just as the happenings of World War I that have affected universal connections between nations over the globe. Notwithstanding the seething discussion over the commitments of World War and the scandalous Mexican Revolution to the present status, it is critical to perceive the perspectives and assessments of the John Reed that have additionally lit up comprehension of numerous students over the glob e (John Reed’s Selected Writings 76-158). Specifically, Reed concentrated on the positive and negative parts of the Mexican Revolution of 1911. He utilized one of a kind measures to make an unmistakable and progressively fathomable comprehension of the Revolution, which has impacted the social, monetary, and political elements of current Mexico just as the area (Reed 63-78). The Americans (USA) didn't comprehend the 1911 Mexico Revolution. In any case, the unrest found a delicate arriving in short stories, quiet movies, and American books. The books have especially shown a thorough examination of the phases through which the nation experienced before achieving political, social and financial autonomy. Today, the United States and Mexico share key similitudes, which have monstrously helped the way toward taking care of business a comprehension of the relations between the two nations. Generalizations about Mexico commanded American movies during the 20thcentury (Reed 63-78). T he main models that John Reed utilized were to look at and investigate whether the individuals of Mexico occupied with the furious battle for it or in light of the fact that they needed things they couldn't manage the cost of through the option option.â

Sunday, July 19, 2020

The Art of Listening in Distributed Teams - Focus

The Art of Listening in Distributed Teams - Focus Someone once told me good communication happens when the message sent and the message received match up as closely as possible. Speaking clearly is a skill we focus on a lot. We work on giving great presentations, explaining concepts clearly and telling engaging stories. But listeners bear the burden of good communication, too. In this article, well share how to effectively communicate with colleagues online and afar, through effective communication and listening skills. When you’re on a distributed team or another team working predominantly online, the things that make a good listener don’t change. You do however have to apply listening skills in slightly different ways to make sure the messages you receive match the intentions of the sender. [ictt-tweet-inline via=meistertask]listeners bear the burden of good communication, too.[/ictt-tweet-inline] What Good Listening Does There’s been a lot of research conducted on how we listen in many fields, including psychology, communication, linguistics, anthropology and management. Researchers have identified a lot of different factors that affect how we listen, like memory, attention span, motivation, listening capacity and the context we’re in when we’re trying to listen. For example, it might be harder to listen to your teammates if you’ve lost motivation at work. And listening is going to take a lot more effort in a noisy lobby than in a quiet office. But if you can master listening skills, you stand to gain a lot. In fact, studies have found that listening produces three main results: understanding or knowledge gain relationship building a change in our feelings and attitudes So, if you’re a good listener, you’ll be more tuned into what’s going on, what others need and how others feel, which can help you make better business decisions and be more productive. Distributed task management made simple. Try MeisterTask with your team Its free! Try MeisterTask with your team Listening Online Communication There are a range of tools and methods we use to communicate with our teams, whether we’re working remotely or are co-located: video, voice calls, email and project management apps. These are just some of the tools distributed teams can use to communicate, and each come with their own set of opportunities and limitations. Text-only communications like email and chat apps, especially, can make listening more challenging. “Email does not convey emotions nearly as well as face-to-face or even telephone conversations,” writes Kaitlin Duck Sherwood, author of A Beginners Guide to Effective Emails. “It lacks vocal inflection, gestures, and a shared environment. Your correspondent may have difficulty telling if you are serious or kidding, happy or sad, frustrated or euphoric.” With text-only online communications, tone can easily be misconstrued. Sherwood says sarcasm can be particularly dangerous (especially if the sender and the recipient don’t know each other well). But there are also some ways text-only communication can improve listening. For example: When someone has an accent that’s unfamiliar to us or your first language is your coworker’s second language, it takes more cognitive effort to listen and comprehend. Text communication like chat or emails can help eliminate that cognitive load. Also, because they can be delayed, text communication can also give the listener extra time to digest ideas, process emotions and respond more thoughtfully. When working on distributed teams, many teams prioritize video chat because it allows for nonverbal communication like body language and facial expressions, which provide context. Remote work and listening can seem at odds sometimes because the amount of face-to-face contact is much more limited. But just because in-person conversations aren’t always an option doesn’t mean good listening can’t take place. For example, someone who doesn’t make eye contact while telling you bad news says something completely different than someone who looks you directly in the eye. Video chat is not always realistic or possible, though. Connections can be unreliable. People might be traveling or unavailable. Tools might not work correctly. “I think everybody here agrees that the most implausible science-fiction aspect of Star Wars is how smoothly all the Jedi video conferencing works across the galaxy,” notes Jacob Harris, developer for 18F, the digital services agency for the U.S. government. To make it work, have a range of tools and a plan for how and when to use them. Be aware of the limitations of each online communication method so you can adjust and make the extra effort to fully listen. Tips for Better Listening Here’s how you can be a better listener and foster a better environment for listening, whether you work remotely or with a co-located team. 1. Establish rules of responsiveness When there are clear expectations about communication, you can minimize feelings of people not feeling listened to or their messages being ignored. “When people are working remotely, its important that you define what your rules of responsiveness are for your culture,” writes Michelle LaBrosse, Project Management Professional and founder and CEO of Cheetah Learning. “How quickly are people expected to return an e-mail, an IM or a phone call? What is your protocol when people are out of the office or on vacation?” LaBrosse says that when people know what to expect, it “lowers the blood pressures on both sides of the customer/company relationship” which can promote better, more careful listening. 2. Schedule distraction-free conversations This rule applies no matter how you’re communicating. It’s harder to listen if you’re multitasking. It can be easier to fall into this trap of multitasking with online communication because the person on the phone or in your chat conversation can’t see that you’re on your laptop sending an email or checking your smartwatch. In their book, The Plateau Effect, authors Bob Sullivan and Hugh Thompson wrote: “Your brain is hungry for information, like a golden retriever puppy is hungry to chase a tennis ball. Important information, however, rarely comes as fast as your brain can take it, just as you can never toss the ball fast enough for your puppy. At the dog park, your baby Fido won’t be able to resist if someone else nearby throws a ball…off he bounds, chasing after whatever is moving. And your brain, thirsty for data, with a whole bunch of seemingly spare time on its hands, can’t resist the ping of a text message or the temptation of looking at YouTube videos of cats.” To be a better listener, do what’s in your power to minimize distractions and keep your focus on the conversation at hand. That means managing notifications and resisting the urge to multitask while you listen. 3. Use emojis It might sound silly, but emojis help mirror our emotions and provide valuable context for the tone someone means to convey. See how emojis can change the tone of communication: Without either emoji, you’d have less information to help you interpret the true meaning of what someone is saying. 4. Ask about feelings and reactions Checking for understanding is an important part of listening. “When you’ve actively focused on another person’s communication and asked questions to clarify as needed, rephrase what you think they’ve said and ask them if it’s true, whether it’s in person, on Skype, or via email,” writes Jennifer Roberts, marketing and integrations manager for Hubstaff. Add context by asking how what someone said makes them feel, so you can clarify meaning. Adrian Tuts, music and audio editor for Tuts+ suggests using phrases such as: How do you feel about that? Does that sound good to you? Is that going to work? Is that what you were expecting? 5. Read before you respond This sounds like a no-brainer, but sometimes when we’re in a hurry, we respond after we’ve glanced at something someone said only to realize that’s not what the person was asking, or there’s a whole section we forgot to address. Read. Then respond. Otherwise, you could get a reputation for not listening. No matter your work environment, listening is an important skill to master. It’s not just hearing (or reading) words; good listening means understanding and connecting with what the person intends to communicate and making sure they know you understand them. Work on honing your listening skills in order to fully connect with others, improve learning and have a keener awareness of how others think and feel. If you can do that, you’ll help create an environment where the people you work with feel valued and inspired to freely share with you. Discover collaborative task management. Try MeisterTask Its free! Try MeisterTask The Art of Listening in Distributed Teams - Focus Someone once told me good communication happens when the message sent and the message received match up as closely as possible. Speaking clearly is a skill we focus on a lot. We work on giving great presentations, explaining concepts clearly and telling engaging stories. But listeners bear the burden of good communication, too. In this article, well share how to effectively communicate with colleagues online and afar, through effective communication and listening skills. When you’re on a distributed team or another team working predominantly online, the things that make a good listener don’t change. You do however have to apply listening skills in slightly different ways to make sure the messages you receive match the intentions of the sender. [ictt-tweet-inline via=meistertask]listeners bear the burden of good communication, too.[/ictt-tweet-inline] What Good Listening Does There’s been a lot of research conducted on how we listen in many fields, including psychology, communication, linguistics, anthropology and management. Researchers have identified a lot of different factors that affect how we listen, like memory, attention span, motivation, listening capacity and the context we’re in when we’re trying to listen. For example, it might be harder to listen to your teammates if you’ve lost motivation at work. And listening is going to take a lot more effort in a noisy lobby than in a quiet office. But if you can master listening skills, you stand to gain a lot. In fact, studies have found that listening produces three main results: understanding or knowledge gain relationship building a change in our feelings and attitudes So, if you’re a good listener, you’ll be more tuned into what’s going on, what others need and how others feel, which can help you make better business decisions and be more productive. Distributed task management made simple. Try MeisterTask with your team Its free! Try MeisterTask with your team Listening Online Communication There are a range of tools and methods we use to communicate with our teams, whether we’re working remotely or are co-located: video, voice calls, email and project management apps. These are just some of the tools distributed teams can use to communicate, and each come with their own set of opportunities and limitations. Text-only communications like email and chat apps, especially, can make listening more challenging. “Email does not convey emotions nearly as well as face-to-face or even telephone conversations,” writes Kaitlin Duck Sherwood, author of A Beginners Guide to Effective Emails. “It lacks vocal inflection, gestures, and a shared environment. Your correspondent may have difficulty telling if you are serious or kidding, happy or sad, frustrated or euphoric.” With text-only online communications, tone can easily be misconstrued. Sherwood says sarcasm can be particularly dangerous (especially if the sender and the recipient don’t know each other well). But there are also some ways text-only communication can improve listening. For example: When someone has an accent that’s unfamiliar to us or your first language is your coworker’s second language, it takes more cognitive effort to listen and comprehend. Text communication like chat or emails can help eliminate that cognitive load. Also, because they can be delayed, text communication can also give the listener extra time to digest ideas, process emotions and respond more thoughtfully. When working on distributed teams, many teams prioritize video chat because it allows for nonverbal communication like body language and facial expressions, which provide context. Remote work and listening can seem at odds sometimes because the amount of face-to-face contact is much more limited. But just because in-person conversations aren’t always an option doesn’t mean good listening can’t take place. For example, someone who doesn’t make eye contact while telling you bad news says something completely different than someone who looks you directly in the eye. Video chat is not always realistic or possible, though. Connections can be unreliable. People might be traveling or unavailable. Tools might not work correctly. “I think everybody here agrees that the most implausible science-fiction aspect of Star Wars is how smoothly all the Jedi video conferencing works across the galaxy,” notes Jacob Harris, developer for 18F, the digital services agency for the U.S. government. To make it work, have a range of tools and a plan for how and when to use them. Be aware of the limitations of each online communication method so you can adjust and make the extra effort to fully listen. Tips for Better Listening Here’s how you can be a better listener and foster a better environment for listening, whether you work remotely or with a co-located team. 1. Establish rules of responsiveness When there are clear expectations about communication, you can minimize feelings of people not feeling listened to or their messages being ignored. “When people are working remotely, its important that you define what your rules of responsiveness are for your culture,” writes Michelle LaBrosse, Project Management Professional and founder and CEO of Cheetah Learning. “How quickly are people expected to return an e-mail, an IM or a phone call? What is your protocol when people are out of the office or on vacation?” LaBrosse says that when people know what to expect, it “lowers the blood pressures on both sides of the customer/company relationship” which can promote better, more careful listening. 2. Schedule distraction-free conversations This rule applies no matter how you’re communicating. It’s harder to listen if you’re multitasking. It can be easier to fall into this trap of multitasking with online communication because the person on the phone or in your chat conversation can’t see that you’re on your laptop sending an email or checking your smartwatch. In their book, The Plateau Effect, authors Bob Sullivan and Hugh Thompson wrote: “Your brain is hungry for information, like a golden retriever puppy is hungry to chase a tennis ball. Important information, however, rarely comes as fast as your brain can take it, just as you can never toss the ball fast enough for your puppy. At the dog park, your baby Fido won’t be able to resist if someone else nearby throws a ball…off he bounds, chasing after whatever is moving. And your brain, thirsty for data, with a whole bunch of seemingly spare time on its hands, can’t resist the ping of a text message or the temptation of looking at YouTube videos of cats.” To be a better listener, do what’s in your power to minimize distractions and keep your focus on the conversation at hand. That means managing notifications and resisting the urge to multitask while you listen. 3. Use emojis It might sound silly, but emojis help mirror our emotions and provide valuable context for the tone someone means to convey. See how emojis can change the tone of communication: Without either emoji, you’d have less information to help you interpret the true meaning of what someone is saying. 4. Ask about feelings and reactions Checking for understanding is an important part of listening. “When you’ve actively focused on another person’s communication and asked questions to clarify as needed, rephrase what you think they’ve said and ask them if it’s true, whether it’s in person, on Skype, or via email,” writes Jennifer Roberts, marketing and integrations manager for Hubstaff. Add context by asking how what someone said makes them feel, so you can clarify meaning. Adrian Tuts, music and audio editor for Tuts+ suggests using phrases such as: How do you feel about that? Does that sound good to you? Is that going to work? Is that what you were expecting? 5. Read before you respond This sounds like a no-brainer, but sometimes when we’re in a hurry, we respond after we’ve glanced at something someone said only to realize that’s not what the person was asking, or there’s a whole section we forgot to address. Read. Then respond. Otherwise, you could get a reputation for not listening. No matter your work environment, listening is an important skill to master. It’s not just hearing (or reading) words; good listening means understanding and connecting with what the person intends to communicate and making sure they know you understand them. Work on honing your listening skills in order to fully connect with others, improve learning and have a keener awareness of how others think and feel. If you can do that, you’ll help create an environment where the people you work with feel valued and inspired to freely share with you. Discover collaborative task management. Try MeisterTask Its free! Try MeisterTask

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Gender And Gender Roles Have Radically From The Time...

The idea of gender and gender roles have evolved minimally from the time Henrick Ibsen â€Å"A Doll House,† was first published. In the late 1800s, just before the beginning of the first wave of feminism in the United States and Europe, women were looking for ways to gain independence from their â€Å"duty† to marry a man, have children, and live a life to home and yearned for the freedom to choose what kind of lives they wanted to live, what they wanted to do, etc. In the beginning of the play, the views of gender are fairly typical, though by the end of the play, the gender roles among the main characters change dramatically. According to an essay by Stephanie Forward, the original Norwegian title literally refers to a â€Å"small, cozy and neat† home, one that was meant to reflect the homes of the play s audience, so that members could better identify with the scenes, characters and occurrences that happen in the play. Nora Helmer, who we could consider the ma in character in this drama, ends the final act by walking out of her home into the dark night (literally and figuratively, as society would be unwelcoming to her) and slamming the door shut, implying that she left her husband and three children, which, of course, encouraged young, single women to achieve freedom, but also shocked a large percentage of the public. Critics viewed her character as someone who was â€Å"unnatural† for leaving her husband and children because they feared that such behavior would lead to an upheaval in

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Article Review on the Selection of a Juror for a Trial

Article Review ONE: The general issue in this paragraph relates to the lack of impartiality when it comes to the selection of a juror for a trial. Potential jurors exposed to publicity prior to the trial form opinions about the victims and defendants. TWO: Whether the defendant is attractive or not has an impact on whether the jury will rule for or against that defendant. The bottom line is that attractive defendants generally get a better deal from juries because of the belief that good-looking people are more likely to have socially acceptable behaviors. The nature of the alleged crime determines whether or not the attractiveness of the defendant is influential in the verdict. THREE: When it comes to jurors passing judgment based on the appearance of the defendant, jurors that share common physical characteristics with defendants tend to be lenient towards that defendant. There can be positive biases in female jurors towards attractive male defendants but that isnt the case with males judging other males or females. FOUR: The ethnicity (race) of the defendant plays a role as to whether jurors treat the defendant more or less harshly. FIVE: On page 606 the authors offer two hypotheses. SIX: 207 participants were involved (89 black; 55 Latino; 63 Caucasian). SEVEN: In the second paragraph on page 607 the vignette was explained. EIGHT: In the first and third paragraphs on page 607 the questionnaire that was given to participants was fully explained.Show MoreRelatedTo what extent does random selection of jury members create bias and would jury selection provide a solution?1030 Words   |  5 Pages To what extent does random selection of jury members create bias and would jury selection provide a solution? The theory behind the UK system of random selection is based on many assumptions. 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Analyse the behaviour of William Pickton using the three different social science perspectives. Choose one theory from psychology, sociology, and anthropology. Using each perspective, write a one page analysis of the behaviour of William Pickton. Write a perspective for each social theory (three pages in total). 2. Write a hypothesis to research a serial murderer using the following social science theories:

Grammar in Context Free Essays

Elbaum, Sandra. 2001. Grammar in Context 3rd ed. We will write a custom essay sample on Grammar in Context or any similar topic only for you Order Now Boston: Heinle Heinle Publishers. Grammar in Context by Sandra N. Elbaum is an interesting approach to teaching grammar. Elbaum encases grammar in a much more useful mantle by using real life examples of U. S. culture and history. Grammar is an important part of language, but it is technical, abstract, and boring. In order for a text to engage a student it must be interesting and relevant to their lives. I think Grammar in Context could be effective because it does this by integrating grammar into the real world. I thought the foreword by the author was very touching. She starts off by giving an example from her own life showing how important it is to include real life contexts into language learning. She tells of being a child and having not only having to explain the language to her Polish born parents but also the culture. This is a fitting start to a language text because; what is a language without culture. They are intrinsically linked. The text starts off with a review. I think this is important because ESL students are not always at the same place in every category of language learning. Placement tests do their best to place students in an appropriate level, but learning a language is not like other subjects. For example, if you miss the lesson on the Korean War in history class you would still be able to understand a lesson on the Vietnam War. Language is much more integrated. If you don’t have a strong foundation it is very difficult to progress. Having a review section in the beginning allows teachers to quickly find weaknesses in any fundamental areas, and address these problems in the beginning of the course. I liked that lesson one began with creating a resume and cover letter. A resume is a very technical but also very necessary composition for many ESL students. So often the people who emigrate to the U. S. are well educated professionals who are prevented from rising to their full potential because of a language barrier. The key to getting a good job is usually a good resume and by learning this skill early on ESL students who want a successful job will have one less obstacle. The basic setup of each chapter is user friendly. I like how the chapters begin with a text and the grammar focus of each chapter is highlighted in each text. This gives students a chance to learn deductively, and see grammar in use in real life situations. After the opening text the grammar rules are given and exercises are provided for practice. At the end of each chapter the lessons are summarized to give a final quick look at the content of the chapter. The next section â€Å"Editing Advice† seems very helpful to me. In this section examples are given of the grammar used incorrectly then corrected. I think correction is an important tool in learning. Knowing what you can’t do, or what is incorrect in a language is often as important as knowing what you can do. The last part of the chapter has an important section called â€Å"Outside Activities† this section provides activities that prompt students to look for examples of their grammar lessons in authentic texts outside of the classroom. â€Å"Outside Activities† is a vital section because one failing of all text books is the fact that they cannot stay current. Things are always changing so fast in life that it is impossible to include authentic texts that are up to date after the publishing process, the distribution process, and finally introduction into the classroom. By encouraging students to look outside the classroom the most recent and relevant examples of grammar in use are able to be incorporated into the educational process. The section on â€Å"Internet Activities† is similar but encourages students to use the computer to find grammar in context. This skill could be very useful for less tech savvy ESL students. Providing grammar in context is an important aspect of teaching because it takes a dull but necessary subject and makes it more relevant. ESL students are often very busy, and by combing lessons on grammar and U. S. culture kills to birds with one stone. It would be possible to teach grammar using irrelevant topics, but why would anyone want to do that when it’s so easy to incorporate real life contexts into everyday lessons. Word Count: 723 How to cite Grammar in Context, Papers

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Life Without Technology free essay sample

If someone told me that I would have to be technology-free for 24 hours I would probably have asked them for a tranquilizer so I could sleep through the horrid day. From the moment my alarm clock goes off in the morning to the time I set It at night I am using some sort of technology. I couldnt even eat lunch at school without the help of those little machines that take our meal plans. Last week I did my best and tried as hard as I could to be free from technology. Obviously, being at college made It Impossible but it was a good experience nonetheless.After my alarm goes off, Its time to take a shower. The lights arent necessary so I leave them off. I come back from my shower with sopping wet hair and decide to suck It up and leave the blow dryer In the closet. We will write a custom essay sample on Life Without Technology or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Its Monday so I only have one class, which means I have more time to torture myself. On the way to lunch my roommate and I take the stairs: I live on the 7th floor so we know this wont last long. On my way out contemplate whether or not the lock on our mailboxes is too technologically advanced for me to use. I decide that it isnt because I am waiting for a letter from my boyfriend.As we walk to lunch I see the blue emergency post and ask aloud: If I was [pick Honestly, I would have to admit that my day was not all that bad. My wet hair eventually dried itself from running up and down the seven flights of stairs. There is so much that we take for granted it is unbelievable. Even if I wanted to be absolutely free from technology I couldnt. Lights are on everywhere you go and someone always wants you to listen to the message on their cell phone from their boyfriend. There are unavoidable motion sensor lights and unavoidable automatic doors.Car trips, if driving in the car were even allowed, would be extremely boring not to mention dangerous. Without traffic signals there would be a lot of accidents; for some reason I dont think people would pay attention to little men in bright orange vests waving flags. I am convinced that without technology smoking and drug use would Increase and people would be fat. While people would be forced to walk most places I think that they would Just choose to stay closer to home. Sleeping would probably take precedence over most activities, except maybe those associated with reproduction.So basically If you think about It the world would literally be one big, fat, high, drunk family. On Mondays I have geography and my teacher lectures with the help of Powering. Since there Is no way I can copy notes from Just listening I once again must give In to the machine. On the way back from class my roommate and I cut through the Science building to make our trip shorter. It isnt until I am through the second door that things we take for granted. When I get back to the room, seven flights later, automatically the first thing I do is flick on the lights. I then shake my head and turn them off.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Adrienne Clarkson Biography

Adrienne Clarkson Biography A well-known CBC broadcaster, Adrienne Clarkson brought a new style to the role of Governor-General of Canada. Originally from Hong Kong, Adrienne Clarkson was the first immigrant and the first Chinese-Canadian to be Governor General. Adrienne Clarkson and her husband philosopher and author John Ralston-Saul kept a high profile, worked hard and traveled extensively to Canadian communities, both large and small, during her six years as Governor General. Reviews were mixed for Adrienne Clarksons tenure as Governor General. Many in the Canadian Forces, of which she was Commander-in-Chief, regarded Adrienne Clarkson fondly for going the extra mile for the troops. At the same time, some Canadians considered her elitist, and there was public criticism of her lavish spending, including taking a delegation on a $5-million circumpolar tour to Finland, Iceland, and Russia in 2003. Governor General of Canada 1999-2005 Birth Born February 10, 1939, in Hong Kong. Adrienne Clarkson came to Canada in 1942 as a refugee during the war and grew up in Ottawa, Ontario. Education BA, English Literature - University of TorontoMA, English Literature - University of TorontoPost-graduate work - La Sorbonne, Paris, France Profession Broadcaster Adrienne Clarkson and the Arts Adrienne Clarkson was a host, writer and producer at CBC Television from 1965 to 1982. Her CBC programs included Take ThirtyAdrienne at LargeFifth EstateAdrienne Clarksons Summer FestivalAdrienne Clarkson PresentsSomething Special Adrienne Clarkson also served as Agent General for Ontario in Paris from 1982 to 1987 and was Chair of the Board of Trustees of the Canadian Museum of Civilization from 1995 to 1999. Adrienne Clarkson as Governor General of Canada Adrienne Clarkson traveled extensively across Canada to meet Canadians where they live. In her first year as Governor General of Canada, she visited 81 communities and traveled 115,000 km (about 71,500 miles). She kept a similar pace for the next five years.One of the themes of Adrienne Clarksons time as Governor General was the North. In 2003, Adrienne Clarkson led a delegation on a three-week tour of Russia, Finland, and Iceland to raise Canadas profile and focus attention on northern foreign policy issues. She also spent time as Governor General in the Canadian north, including visits to the troubled communities of Davis Inlet and Sheshatshiu. Adrienne Clarkson established the Governor Generals Northern Medal to be awarded for achievements contributing to the evolution and reaffirmation of the Canadian North as part of the Canadian national identity.Adrienne Clarkson made a point of visiting Canadian troops in the field, going to Kosovo and Bosnia, spending Christmas on frigates i n the Gulf, and New Year 2005 in Kabul. Adrienne Clarkson was asked by Prime Minister Paul Martin to stay on an extra year to provide stability and experience when Parliament was faced with a minority government.When Adrienne Clarkson left office, it was announced that an Institute for Canadian Citizenship would be created in her honor, with up to $10 million in government backing.

Monday, March 2, 2020

How to Return Multiple Values From a Delphi Function

How to Return Multiple Values From a Delphi Function A most common construct in a Delphi application would be a procedure or a function. Known as routines, procedures or functions are statement blocks you call from different locations in a program. Simply put a procedure is a routine not returning a value while a function returns a value. A return value from a function is defined by the return type. In most cases you would write a function to return a single value that would be an integer, string, boolean or some other simple type, also return types could be an array, a string list, an instance of a custom object or alike. Note that even if your function returns a string list (a collection of strings) it still returns a single value: one instance of the string list. Further, Delphi routines can really have many faces: Routine, Method, Method Pointer, Event Delegate, Anonymous method... Can a Function Return Multiple Values? The first answer that comes to mind is no, simply because when we think of a function, we think of a single return value. Certainly, the answer to the above question is, however, yes. A function can return several values. Lets see how. Var Parameters How many values can the following function return, one or two? function PositiveReciprocal(const valueIn : integer; var valueOut : real): boolean; The function obviously returns a boolean value (true or false). How about the second parameter valueOut declared as a VAR (variable) parameter? Var parameters are passed to the function by reference meaning that if the function changes the value of the parameter- a variable in the calling block of code- the function will change the value of the variable used for the parameter. To see how the above works, heres the implementation: function PositiveReciprocal(const valueIn: integer; var valueOut: real): boolean;begin result : valueIn 0; if result then valueOut : 1 / valueIn;end; The valueIn is passed as a constant parameter- function cannot alter it, and it is treated as read-only. If valueIn or greater than zero, the valueOut parameter is assigned the reciprocal value of valueIn and the result of the function is true. If valueIn is 0 then the function returns false and valueOut is not altered in any way. Heres the usage: var b : boolean; r : real;begin r : 5; b : PositiveReciprocal(1, r); //here: // b true (since 1 0) // r 0.2 (1/5) r : 5; b : PositiveReciprocal(-1, r); //here: // b false (since -1 end; Therefore, the PositiveReciprocal actually can return 2 values! Using var parameters you can have a routine return more than one value. Out Parameters Theres another way to specify a by-reference parameter- using the out keyword, as in: function PositiveReciprocalOut(const valueIn: integer; out valueOut: real): boolean;begin result : valueIn 0; if result then valueOut : 1 / valueIn;end; The implementation of PositiveReciprocalOut is the same as in PositiveReciprocal, theres only one difference: the valueOut is an OUT parameter. With parameters declared as out, the initial value of the referenced variable valueOut is discarded. Heres the usage and the results: var b : boolean; r : real;begin r : 5; b : PositiveReciprocalOut(1, r); //here: // b true (since 1 0) // r 0.2 (1/5) r : 5; b : PositiveReciprocalOut(-1, r); //here: // b false (since -1 end; Note how in the second call the value of the local variable r is set to 0. The value of r was set to 5 before the function call but since the parameter in declared as out, when r reached the function the value was discarded and the default empty value was set for the parameter (0 for real type). As a result, you can safely send uninitialized variables for out parameters- something that you should not do with var parameters. Parameters are used to send something to the routine, except here with out parameters :), and therefore uninitialized variables (used for VAR parameters) could have weird values. Returning Records? The above implementations where a function would return more than one value are not nice. The function actually returns a single value, but also returns, better to say alters, the values of the var/out parameters. Because of this, you may very rarely want to use by-reference parameters. If more results from a function are required, you can have a function return a record type variable. Consider the following: type TLatitudeLongitude record Latitude: real; Longitude: real; end; and a hypothetical function: function WhereAmI(const townName : string) : TLatitudeLongitude; The function WhereAmI would return the Latitude and Longitude for a given town (city, area, ...). The implementation would be: function WhereAmI(const townName: string): TLatitudeLongitude;begin//use some service to locate townName, then assign function result: result.Latitude : 45.54; result.Longitude : 18.71;end; And here we have a function returning 2 real values. Ok, it does return 1 record, but this record has 2 fields. Note that you can have a very complex record mixing various types to be returned as a result of a function. Thats it. Therefore, yes, Delphi functions can return multiple values.

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Election Program Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Election Program - Case Study Example Any good candidate would. However Edwards is "is running for president to build One America" ( and with an issued that is so likely to divide American, I think it would be a tough issue for him to decide one. And rightly so. The problems in American are huge. Especially with the buyer of the airport being from the Middle East, the situation becomes even more complex. There are still many Americans today who hold out racial hatred against any people from that region, and I can see already the protests coming from such people about selling over the airport to them. Especially sense the American concern for air security is already so high; I think many problems would come from the selling of the airport. However, the poll numbers show that 59 percent of people support the idea, and Edwards is a man of the people after all. In theory, it would be best for Edwards to support the idea on the campaign trail. This could work in his favor, as it would bring 59 percent of the public opinion under his belt, and it would work great for his every man image, and his idea of standing up to the old corrupt government as a person of the people. On Edward's own site is a quote about his ideas for the power of public government: ""With his One Democracy Initiative, Edwards has demonstrated that he will take on the dominance of corporate lobbyists to be the leader of something we lack today in Washington: a powerful 'lobby for the public good.' His vision for government reform, like many other issues, is charting a way to reclaim the soul and values of our party and of the country" (, and his support of this plan would only straighten this platform of his. Problems further arise with the issue of this plan getting through the House and the Senate. If Edwards supports the plan and upsets his own party to much, he could loose the nomination. If he upsets the other side to much, he could find it very difficult to work with the House and the Senate if and when he becomes President. However, it would look really good to all the people of American if Edwards stood up to the House and the Senate on the platform that a majority of people support this bill, and that he did as well, further rallying his cause as a president for the people. Running for President, Edward also had to keep in mind the other half of Americans that don't support the idea as well. Maybe it wouldn't be the best bet for Edwards to come out and publicly support this idea, as it could cost him almost 50 percent of the popular vote on the election. And in a crucial election like this, every and any vote counts, and losing that much popular opinion might not work in his favor. It would be a tough decision for anyone to make, however I believe it would be in Edwards best interest to support the popular opinion and support the plan. This way, he can further build upon his platform as a people's man, and can also stand up to the government, which would really rally the people to his cause. It might upset some people on the other side however, and that is to be taken into consideration, but I feel that it would do more positive for his Presidential campaign that it would do to hurt it. It

Sunday, February 2, 2020

A Jurors Perspective in the Case against Socrates Research Paper

A Jurors Perspective in the Case against Socrates - Research Paper Example Personally, I find nothing wrong with being inquisitive. Inquisitiveness has been the source of great knowledge for a long time. The fact that Socrates has been inquisitive, enquiring the earth and the clouds constitute no crime. If his chosen way of life does not harm anyone, and no one can confirm that he harmed anyone by being curious, then I find no fault at that. Of concern is the substance of which he enquires about. Contrary, Socrates has confessed to the things he enquires. He has said that he enquires about the presence and the nature of knowledge in selected persons. This, he has confessed, is to try to refute the claims of the Delphin oracle, which he claims elevates him as the wisest man in Athens. First, this raises the question of whether it is true that the oracle construed that he was the wisest man. If it is true, then such an important decree from the Athenian god Apollo should have been made known to all Athenians. The fact that this did not happen, is interpretabl e that the accused has put words in the mouth of a god. By claiming that the gods have recognized him as the wisest man, Socrates undermines the power of the Athenian gods by elevating himself as superhuman. He elevates himself to the level that he converses with the gods, though he is not a priest. In this issue, the accused is guilty of heresy and slander against the gods of Athena. His comparison of himself with Heracles is an insult to all Athenians and their integrity. It is an insult to the time-honored belief about the gods and the heroes of our history (Colaiaco 62). Second is the claim that he teaches his inquisitive lifestyle to others. In his defence, the accused has pointed out that he has never been a teacher. He does not take money from anyone in exchange for his perceived teachings. Therefore, if anyone goes to him, it is of his own accord. The teachings gained thereof that are one’s own desire. However, the place where the lessons are offered becomes very diff icult for the citizens of Athena to decide whether to attend or not. The accused has confessed of a tendency to start his teachings in public, where people gather for other purposes. This does not leave any choice to those in such areas, whether to listen or leave. This is so because there are in such places in pursuit of their own affair. Additionally, the accused has a tendency to stop people on the way and start questioning them. This constitutes a disruption of public peace. He propagates dissension and enmity among the people. If one is a teacher, he should let his students come to him on their own will. This is not in the interests of the state. The questioning of people regarding the level of wisdom is also demeaning. This is quite serious when it is considered that some of the subjects of the defendant’s questioning are citizens of high ranking. These people have made a significant contribution to the advancement of the nation. Branding these people as lacking wisdom and knowledge is a dishonor and a disparagement of their good work and sacrifices. On these charges, Socrates is guilty. The next charge brought against Socrates was the claim that he misguides the youth. His accusers have not explained what constitutes misguiding the youth. Using the little information provided to the court by the accusers, this is only interpretable to mean that the teaching of inquisitiveness taught by the accused to the public.

Friday, January 24, 2020

Essay on Voltaire’s Candide: Relevance of Candide’s Message Today

Relevance of Candide’s Message in Today's World       Voltaire's Candide is a philosophical tale of one man's search for true happiness and his ultimate acceptance of life's disappointments. Candide grows up in the Castle of Westfalia and is taught by the learned philosopher Dr. Pangloss. Candide is abruptly exiled from the castle when found kissing the Baron's daughter, Cunegonde. Devastated by the separation from Cunegonde, his true love, Candide sets out to different places in the hope of finding her and achieving total happiness. The message of Candide is that one must strive to overcome adversity and not passively accept problems in the belief that all is for the best.    Candide's misfortune begins when he is kicked out of the castle and experiences a series of horrible events. Candide is unable to see anything positive in his ordeals, contrary to Dr. Pangloss' teachings that there is a cause for all effects and that, though we might not understand it, everything is all for the good. Candide's endless trials begin when he is forced into the army simply because he is the right height, five feet five inches. In the army he is subjected to endless drills and humiliations and is almost beaten to death. Candide escapes and, after being degraded by good Christians for being an anti-Christ, meets a diseased beggar who turns out to be Dr. Pangloss. Dr. Pangloss informs him that Bulgarian soldiers attacked the castle of Westfalia and killed Cunegonde - more misery!    A charitable Anabaptist gives both Candide and Dr. Pangloss money and assistance. Dr. Pangloss is cured of his disease, losing one of his eyes and one of his ears. The Anabaptist takes them with him on a journey to Lisbon. While aboard the ship, the ... ... that in life there will be many obstacles which can and should be overcome. Life has its difficulties but the world would be a miserable place if people passively accepted that everything that happened to them was for the best - shrugging off responsibility. Voltaire believes that people should not allow themselves to be victims. He sneers at naive, accepting types, informing us that people must work (be active) to make their happiness.    Works Cited and Consulted: Durant, Will, Ariel Durant. The Story of Civilization: Part IX: The Age of Voltaire. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1965. Frautschi, R.L. Barron's Simplified Approach to Voltaire: Candide. New York: Barron's Educational Series, Inc., 1998. Lowers, James K, ed. "Cliff Notes on Voltaire's Candide". Lincoln: Cliff Notes, Inc. 1995. Voltaire. Candide. New York: Viking Publishers, 1996.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Preparation of Acetanilide

Synthesis of Acetanilide Reaction O NH2 + H3C C O O C CH3 O N C CH3 H + H3C O C OH Aniline Acetic anhydride Acetanilide Acetic acid Purpose: Acetanilide is a useful precursor to many pharmaceuticals such as acetaminophen and penicillin. Experimental Procedure. (Estimated time: 1. 5 h. ) Unless otherwise noted, all manipulations should be done in the chemical fume hood. Place 100 Â µL of aniline into a tared 10 X 75-mm test tube (standing in a small beaker or Erlenmeyer flask). Now add 0. -mL of distilled water; with swirling, followed by 3 drops of concentrated hydrochloric acid. Add 10 mg of powdered decolorizing charcoal, or the pelletized form (Norit) to the resulting solution. Fit the test tube with a cork stopper and take it back to your hood. Gravity filter this suspension (25-mm funnel fitted with fluted fast-grade filter paper – see instructor) into a 3. 0-mL conical vial containing a magnetic spin vane. Wet the filter paper in advance with distilled water and blot th e excess water from the stem of the funnel.Use an additional 0. 5 mL of distilled water to rinse the test tube and pass that through the filter paper into your vial. Your aniline hydrochloride solution is ready for reaction. Assemble the apparatus as shown below: CONICAL VIAL W/ MAGNETIC SPIN VANE AND AIR CONDENSER Dissolve 150 mg (1. 10 mmol) of sodium acetate trihydrate in 0. 5 mL of distilled water in a 10 X 17-mm test tube. Cap the tube and set the solution aside for use in the next step. Feature Article –Â  Free-Radical BrominationAdd, with stirring, 150 Â µL of acetic anhydride to the solution of aniline hydrochloride, followed quickly by addition (Pasteur pipet) of the previously prepared solution of sodium acetate. Stir to thoroughly mix the reagents (~5 min. ). You should see the formation of a white precipitate. Allow the reaction mixture to stand at room temperature for approximately 5 min and then place it in an ice bath for an additional 5-10 min to complete the crystallization process.Collect the acetanilide product by filtration under reduced pressure using a Buchner funnel. Rinse the conical vial with two 0. 5-mL portions of distilled water and use the rinse to wash the collected filter cake. Characterization. Weigh and determine the percent yield of the product. Obtain an IR spectrum using the total internal reflectance attachment. Take a 1H NMR of your product – if there is not enough we will pool samples together. Take the melting point of the product and compare it to the literature value. BUCHNER FUNNEL

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

A Thousand Splendid Suns Handout - 1018 Words

A Thousand Splendid Suns: Handout By: Victoria, Claire, Maria and Randy The Author: Khaled Hosseini, was born in Kabul, Afghanistan in 1965. In March 2001, Hosseini began writing his first novel, The Kite Runner. This novel went on to become an international bestseller and beloved classic, sold in a minimum of seventy countries worldwide, and spending more than a hundred weeks on the New York Times bestseller list. In May 2007, his second novel, A Thousand Splendid Suns, debuted at #1 on the New York Times bestseller list, remaining in that spot for fifteen weeks and nearly an entire year. The Novel: The storyline of A Thousand Splendid Suns explains three decades of a civil war in Afghanistan along with the Taliban, taking over government which is all seen in the perspective of two Afghan women. Mariam, the daughter of a rich Afghan businessman, is forced to marry a man (Rasheed) at the age of fifteen. Rasheed becomes a very aggressive man when Mariam fails to produce a child. Almost twenty years later, Rasheed marries another woman fourteen-year-old Laila after her parents have been killed by a rocket fire in Kabul. At the end of the storyline, each woman is forced to accept paths that they will never truly be happy with. Mariam sacrifices her life to the Taliban to save Laila after they both murder Rasheed. Laila then marries her childhood love becomes a school teacher and continues to live her life happily. The treatment of women in Afghanistan: Afghan womenShow MoreRelatedA Thousand Splendid Suns2892 Words   |  12 Pages               A  Thousand  Splendid  Suns  Ã‚   Theme  Analysis  Lesson      Subject:  English  Language  Arts   Grades:  9†12   Timeframe:  Four  45  minute  sessions         Student  Outreach  for  Shelters  (SOS)  Program         Overview   This  lesson  is  designed  to  deepen  students’  analysis  of  the  novel  A   Thousand  Splendid  Suns.  Ã‚  In  addition,  this  lesson  is  designed  to  provide   educators  with  a  core  novel  connection  to  the  shelter  outreach  themes  of   the  Khaled  Hosseini  Foundation  SOS  program.   Preparation